In Aquitaine, several honey varieties are produced such as special honeys from the Landes forest (buckthorn, heather and scotch heather), mountain honeys (all flowers, linden), as well as acacia and chestnut honeys. There’s something to suit all tastes. Sweet flavours and understated floral perfumes of acacia. Chestnut with woody flavours and strong, sweet perfumes. Scotch heather with powerful aromas and intense fruity flavours. Buckthorn with delicate fragrances and fruit and balsamic flavours. Highly fragrant mountain honeys with floral and fruity flavours.
Perfect as a spread or used as a sweetener. A Protected Geographical Indication (I.G.P) application for ‘Miel des Landes de Gascogne’ is currently in progress and the ‘Apiculteurs en Aquitaine’ (Aquitaine Bee-keepers) branding enables consumers to easily identify honey from producers.