At butcher’s and supermarkets.
Farm veal raised on mother’s milk is a symbolic product of Limousin, produced mainly in Corrèze. In Limousin, there are nearly 1800 farmers who produce Limousin Veal.
It has enjoyed a ‘farm veal raised on mother’s milk’ Label Rouge since 1971 which guarantees its superior quality and a ‘Limousin Veal’ Protected Geographical Indication (P.G.I.) since 1996 which guarantees that it originates from Limousin.
Limousin Farm Veal raised on mother’s milk is a traditional product which has successfully retained its values and flavour. Often called dairy veal, it is a unique product in the world. The base of its food is its mother’s milk, suckled directly from the teat. And not just any mother: a Limousin cow!
Now, as in the past, passionate farmers pamper their cows for several months in order to achieve a top-end, low fat meat which is recognised for its flavour. Butchers take pleasure in carving delicate escalopes and tying up soft roasting joints. Knowledgeable consumers seek out this flavoursome meat which is farmed under the best possible conditions.
Limousin Farm Veal meat is exceptional: with a white or light pink colour, subtle flavours, a fine and marbled grain, it combines flavour, softness and succulence.
The ultimate Gourmet Meat, its Superior Quality is guaranteed by its Label Rouge and Protected Geographical Indication Origin. Across this industry, regular checks ensure that all strict specifications are respected and that quality endures year-round.
In 2015, 14,250 calves were certified and then distributed to our 600 butcher’s, restaurants and supermarkets. List of sales points can be viewed at