Although its cooking is still very familial and not highly marketed, a few bakeries, particularly in Béarn and Corrèze, still sell it.
Mique is the perfect representation of a peasant dish. A kind of large ball of dough which peasants used to poach in bouillon or which serves as a bread for soups and sauce dishes, mique owes its fame to its ingredients. Indeed, this south-west speciality is an inexpensive dish and uses ingredients which are easy to find. Several versions exist, depending on where it is made. The mique must be boiled in bouillon (salted pork, vegetable broth, chicken broth…) and eaten alongside it.
It is also a peasant dish in Corrèze! Gently cooked in salted pork bouillon or pork stew, it brightens up vegetables and meat. Fried in butter and spread with jam, it makes for a tasty breakfast. It is part of the ‘farcedure’ family.