At markets and pork butcher’s in Charente and Charente-Martime.
The fagot Charentais is a speciality similar to pâté made from pieces of pork liver wrapped in caul fat.
It is served in an individual portion, similar in appearance to a small tied roast which is then browned and covered in caul fat. When cut, it reveals a texture similar to a country-style pâté scattered with large pieces of liver. The fagot charentais belongs to the same cooking family as ‘attereaux’ (Burgundy) or ‘attriaux’ (Savoy). This product’s regional name undoubtedly comes from the fact that, unlike the two other specialities, it is tied up like a ‘fagot’ or ‘bundle’ of wood. It is always eaten cold, either as a starter or as the meat in an evening meal.