This product is readily available in supermarkets, on markets and in fishmongers.
According to legend, the first Charente mussels were cultivated in 1235 by an Irish sailor named Patrick Walton who was shipwrecked in the bay of Aiguillon. Trying to catch birds, he set up nets stretched over poles. Mussels attached themselves onto the wooden stakes and began to grow. The so-called ‘bouchot’ technique was invented, referring to ‘bout chaot’ (meaning wooden fence).
Line mussels are mussels cultivated on ropes. They grow and fatten quickly because they can constantly feed as they are permanently submerged in water. This method cultivates good size mussels of the highest quality with the greatest taste.
Since 2015, rope-grown mussels have benefited from a Label Rouge. Their size, the degree of shell filled, the quality of their flesh and freshness as well as selection and packaging are all essential elements of the produce.